Saxofon Tenor Yamaha Yts-26

Nuevo receptor de tudel con un tornillo más resistente
Un nuevo y rediseñado receptor de tudel proporciona una respuesta rápida y facilidad al tocar, a la vez que incrementa la resistencia del mecanismo.
Conexión Si-Do# Grave mejorada
Un mecanismo mejorado para el Si-Do#, asegura la consistencia de la llave, y proporciona una respuesta clara en las notas del registro grave del instrumento.

Apoyo de pulgar ajustable
Todos los saxofones Yamaha tienen un apoyo del pulgar ajustable, para permitir una precisa y cómoda posición y digitacion.
Llaves Nickel Silver
Durable and resistant to wear.
Ergonomic key layout
Key layout is designed to fit to humans’ hands. This helps players concentrate on their performance without feeling stress.
Regular key posts
This style of key posts reduces the resistance and makes the instrument easier to sound.

Two-piece bell
Two pieces of brass sheets are jointed together by the hands of craftsmen, then shaped to the bell with a machine.

Separate style key guards
The separate key guards protect the keys and pads from accidental damages.

Improved low B-C# connection
An improved mechanism from low B-C# connection ensures the consistent closing of the low C# key and promotes a clear response from notes in the low range of the instrument.

Case (TSC-23)
Durable hard case is included.
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